When everything goes wrong, remember what you did right. And build upon that

Age 34, Male

Fixing Problems


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Loggin Madness review

Posted by TribesofHalo - July 25th, 2011

I think your animation is fantastic, and I can understand people admire and appreciate your videos still for the mere reason of getting some popcorn action. But I feel like my appreciation for the series has been raped. I thought it was pretty bad in the two last ones - especially the one before this one. But now you're really pushing it for me (again, this is MY opinion). All you who loves this; more power to you. But let me explain to all of you, including the artist, why this felt too much for me. Try to take my points in without attacking me for having my own opinion, if that's not too much to ask for.

Hank as a monster... I don't get it. For me, the whole point of these Madness videos were to see a completely regular human of exquisite skills kill of a whole lot of bad guys with nothing else than the weapons he has, including his fists at some times. Now, with the crab-arm even getting it's own fist attached to Hank, and him being huge with a short forehead and that metal-chin, looking primitive, is just... silly. He looks stupid. Only reason I watched this, was because I was waiting in vain for Hank to return to his normal self. But on top of everything, he is teaming up with someone else, which makes absolutely no sense. Yes, I know that dude and his friend helped Hank to get revived - but it's still out of character. Hank is a loner, fighting for his own. He is not supposed to be a oversized monster-monkey with a crab-arm. At least not to me. I've been trying for so long to understand why you decided to go into this really obscure direction when you released Madness Inundation. Jesus is the new main character in that one, which ruined the whole point. It was basicly a spin-off. And then we had Madness Aggregation; where there's two new extremely lame and uninteresting guys. Even Madness Consternation started to get too weird - mostly for the ending, and the fact he is spending more time running away from a monster rather than trying to kill as many henchmen as possible.
I don't know; maybe I've been growing out of it. I just preferred when you didn't try to make it deviating from the source of it. I admire mindless action; but this is getting out of hand. I'm sorry, but... I am disappointed. I miss the old Hank, and I miss him fighting on his own against impossible forces. Like Madness Antipathy, and all of the Madness videos before that. We just see him beat the living shit out of tons of henchmen to badass music as he chases the final boss he fights in the end of the episode, and maybe somewhere in the middle briefly as well. Yeah; honestly, Madness Antipathy would be what I would call your true masterpeice among everything you've made considering Madness overall. It was your "Beethoven's 5th". You might want to continue doing the Madness episodes the way you do them now, but... for me, Madness is everything but Madness nowadays. And that's my honest opinion. I respect people for disagreeing - but I thought it was worth to let others now properly what some (at least me) considerto be the point of everything... even though it's literally meant for madness as that's what it called, but still.

You're a good animator though. Do what you feel is right. If you wanna ignore my words, then fine. But I wrote this in case you will consider it a thought. Thanks for your time if you read this. :)

http://kurvos.newgrounds.com/ 's opinion/review for http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/


Loggin another review for
I'm not going to attack the actual design of the game, since that won't do much to make you better as a game maker, but I will say that some hit-detection work needs to be done, as well as some better grammar in the menus. I know it seems like a trivial complaint, but poorly written menu's and instructions make the game look bad as a whole. If you don't speak English well, find a friend who does, or just ask someone to proofread it. If they're nice, like myself, they'll gladly do so. Not a lot of work, makes everything look much better.

To my initial complaint, I found that the hit detection, over all, was rather poor, particularly in 'hard mode,' which is a misnomer. I found Hard mode no more difficult than the normal difficulty, which was both a disappointment and a discouragement. I didn't complete a second play through on hard as I simply grew tired of the same song-and-dance, with no real reward. Thus, I'll admit that there may have been some last-second, boss-at-super-low-health thing that I missed, but unless it was under a forth of his health bar I didn't see it.

As for the fun factor, it is frankly missing. About halfway-through my first game on normal, I died simply because I didn't want to bother with bouncing in-and-out of range. The second time, I won quite easily, with very little effort, but a rather significant time investment. As I'm sure you've guessed, I was disappointed when I wasn't even rewarded with a death animation, simply a 'you win!' screen. C'mon. We can do better than that.

Moving on, to the graphics department, the yellow lines? A bloody eyesore, and completely unnecessary to the game. I feel it would've been easier to move the 'out-of-bounds' zone to the edge of the screen, and not trace out where the 'safe zone' was. This adds, first, a better graphical experience, and second, more challenge in the game play. I also noticed that the health/score bar is stationary. I understand the lack of knowledge in how to program such a thing to move with the screen, but I feel that it would have added to the ease of play.

Nothing to complain about in the sound department. Wasn't fantastic, wasn't terrible. No screams, no absurdly loud or quiet noises, and nothing out-of-scene or jarring came up...

<a href="http://kemnti.newgrounds.com/">http://kemnti.newgrounds.com/</a>
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/579995">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /579995</a>